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Your support means so many people in the Hudson Valley can find encouragement!
Rescue the ragpickers with OneChild
When you sponsor a child, you allow them to get off the streets, eat real food, gain an education, and learn about Jesus.
Marriage Date Night
Looking for something special to do with your spouse as Valentine’s Day draws near?
Sound of Life’s 40th Anniversary
It started in the early 1980s when a dedicated group of Christian business people had a vision for a listener-supported Christian radio station in the Hudson Valley…
Share the Love
Valentine’s Day is on the way, and sharing the LOVE of Sound of Life is a great Valentine’s gift!
Submit an Event
Do you have an event you’d like to share with the community? Whether it’s a charity event, VBS, or local festival, here’s your chance to spread the word!
Sound of Life Window Stickers
Decorate your vehicle with a Sound of Life window sticker!
Sound of Life's 40th Anniversary
It started in the early 1980s when a dedicated group of Christian business people had a vision for a listener-supported Christian radio station in the Hudson Valley…
Cup ‘a Joe Morning Show
A compilation of stories and encouragement told by Joe Hunter host of the Cup a' Joe Morning Show.
Marriage Date Night
Looking for something special to do with your spouse as Valentine's Day draws near?
Recently played
Loves Got A Way
Andrew Ripp
12:48 pm
Take It All Back
Tauren Wells
12:45 pm
12:37 pm
Verse of the day
2 Thessalonians 3:3
But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one. – 2 Thessalonians 3:3