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March 4 @ 6:30 pm 8:00 pm

The Houghton Choir at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Colonie, NY

March 4 @ 6:30 pm 8:00 pm

Dan Black, Director of Choral Activities at Houghton University and conductor of The Houghton Choir, is leading The Houghton Choir on their bi-annual tour. As a part of this tour, they will be playing an evening concert at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Colonie, NY on Tuesday March 4th at 6:30pm.

Houghton concerts are very special events which feature a top-quality performance of God-glorifying music from the past and present. For this bi-annual tour, The Houghton Choir is pleased to present Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad!, a choral concert with a focus on wisdom, eternity, redemption, and rest. Listeners will experience a range of styles and languages from historical composers such as Purcell and Stanford, as well as contemporary composers such as Moses Hogan, J. Aaron McDermid, and Dan Forrest. Join us as The Houghton Choir guides the audience through a rich experience of celebration, reflection, and worship.

There is no charge for the concert, but a free will offering will be collected to support Houghton’s travel costs.


Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
63 Mountain View Ave
Albany, N 12205
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