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Happy loving woman resting head on boyfriend's shoulder


Behind Our Smiles

The Behind Our Smiles Podcast takes you behind the smiles of Joe and Tara Buchanan and how they find genuine joy amidst the challenges they have faced in their 24 years of marriage.

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Happy loving woman resting head on boyfriend's shoulder
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Episode 179: I'm Feeling Overwhelmed

Are you in a season where you feel completely overwhelmed? Or maybe several back-to-back seasons? Living in overwhelm can leave us drained and can put a strain on our marriage. In this episode we share ways to combat the overwhelm together and find refuge in the ROCK! O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings! Psalm 61:1-4 R-Rest O-Organize C-Communicate K- Kick out discouragement To connect with us on social media: Facebook Instagram Email: [email protected]

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Happy loving woman resting head on boyfriend's shoulder
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Episode 177: You Spoil Me!

When we go overboard with giving good gifts, it’s often called spoiling someone. But spoiling isn’t just for the grandkids: we can also show that abundant, extravagant love to our spouse! We can find ways to make him or her feel super special and cherished. In this episode, we share ways what that “spoiling” can look like and common pitfalls to avoid. To connect with us on social media: Facebook Instagram Email: [email protected]

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Happy loving woman resting head on boyfriend's shoulder
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Episode 176: Let Me Call You Sweetheart!

Do you have special pet names for your spouse? Babe, sweetheart, honey, darling? One easy way to grow our connection and intimacy in marriage is using those special names that only we can use! This week we’re sharing our history with pet names and sharing a few new ones you might want to add to your vocabulary! To connect with us on social media: Facebook Instagram Email: [email protected]

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