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Love Me Like I Am

For King & Country

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Love Lifting Me

Official Video

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When I think of those times I’m hurting
I see You
Cause You’re there too
And every pain I feel You healing
Is so You’ll see
My heart running free

Sayin no to my downcast soul
Sayin no to the lies I tell myself
Sayin no to my downcast soul
Your love is lifting me

In my weakness
When nothing else could help
Your love is lifting me
By the spirit
That defeated death
Your love is lifting me

God, I know Your voice, it carries
And I hear You
Every “I love you”
So would you hold on to these burdens
Cause they weigh me down
And I wanna run with You

(I can feel Your love, I can feel Your love, I can feel Your love)
I know You’re holding me
(I can feel Your love, I can feel Your love, I can feel Your love)
You will never let me go
(I can feel Your love, I can feel Your love, I can feel Your love)
I know You’ll fight for me
(I can feel Your love, I can feel Your love, I can feel Your love)
You won’t let me down

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