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Middle Of Your Heart

Official Video

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(Joel Smallbone / Luke Smallbone / Ben Glover)

This is where it begins
This is where all the worry ends
This is where I say
I don’t need to have control

This is where I admit
I don’t know how to handle it
Life in all of its chaos
You are my only hope

And all that I have offer
Is the white flag of surrender

So take me to the middle of Your heart
Lead me to wherever Your love starts
To a new day dawning
To the place You are
And if You wanna take me over the edge
I’ll let You ‘cause You love is where I’ll land
Wanna be right where You are
In middle of Your heart

This what I believe
That if I give You my everything
I will become who I was really born to be

I’ll stand up to say it
Yeah, Your love is something I can put my faith in

I carried what I carried
But now I can let it go
Yeah I carried what I carried
But now I can let it go
Now I can let it go


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