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Loves Got A Way

Andrew Ripp

Album image

My God Is Still The Same

Official Video

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Just ask the waves
If they are stilled at the mention of His name
They’ll say my God is still the same
Ask the walls If they still fall at the mighty sound of praise
They’ll say my God is still the same

When did He break His promise
When did His kindness fail
Never has
Never will
My God is still the same
When did He lose His power
When did His mercy change
Never has
Never will
My God is still the same

Just ask the words
You prayed in desperation if they’re heard
They’ll say my God is still the same
Just ask the grave
If its strong enough to keep hope in its chains
It’ll say God is still the same

When did He break His promise
When did His kindness fail
Never has
Never will
My God is still the same
When did He lose His power
When did His mercy change
Never has
Never will
My God is still the same

Not once did He ever stop moving
Not once has He ever let go
Not once did he ever stop proving
Our God is in control
Not once did He ever stop moving
Not once has He ever let go
Not once did he ever stop proving
Our God is in control

When did He break His promise
When did His kindness fail
Never has
Never will
My God is still the same
When did He lose His power
When did His mercy change
Never has
Never will
My God is still the same
Not once did He ever stop moving
Not once has He ever let go
Not once did he ever stop proving
Our God is in control
Not once did He ever stop moving
Not once has He ever let go
Never has
Never will
My God is still the same
My God is still the same

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Sun icon with rays
Sleeping woman in headphones