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The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours)

Matt Maher

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Walking Like Giants

Official Video

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Life seems like an uphill battle
Like more than you can handle
But we have a hope that’s real

There’s power that lives inside us
We were made with hearts like lions
We’re not given a spirit of fear

His strength inside us, we’re all fighters made to rise

We’re not giving up when struggles come
They’re not big enough ooh, ooh
There’s no stopping us we’re fearless inside
We’re walking like giants
We’re not giving up
With every step He’s still here with us ooh, ooh
Whatever comes our way
We’ll be walking like giants, walking like giants

It might seem like the biggest mountains
Got you surrounded
But there’s a God above it all

With no fear, we keep moving forward
Yeah we’re marching on like soldiers
No such thing as impossible


Oh, Oh
We’re walking like giants

Whatever may come
We’re rising above
Through fire or rain
Nothing’s stopping us

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