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Nothin' Sweeter


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Yes He Can

Official Video

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Sometimes I wonder, is he faithful?
Does he see me in my trouble
Does he understand
Sometimes I question if he’s able
Can he rescue, can he save me
Again and again
But when I look back

Did he move every mountain?
Did he part every sea?
Yes He did
So yes He can
Did he defeat the darkness?
Did he deliver me?
Yes he did
So yes he can
Yes he did
So yes he can

Sometimes those voices try to tell me
I’m forgotten, and I’ve fallen
Too far from his hands
But I know what kind of God he is
And I’m trusting in His promises
I’m believing
And I’m singing
Yes he can

Cause I’ve seen too much
Now I can’t deny
He’s come through
Every single time
From the beginning until the end
He did, he will, he can

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